Thursday, January 30, 2014


18 yo
Baker West
Pre-Business, but looking to change
Meal Plan: semester block o - block 450
Moderate flexibility for students who vary between 2-3 daily meals and some snacks.

Born in Cleveland, OH.
Only knows a few people on her floor and two other classmates from high school.She attended the Involvement Fair because she wants to get to know more people but felt intimidated when it seemed like everyone was already friends at these meetings.

She wants to know more about studying abroad, Psychology, International studies, Business, and the Personalized Study Program. Shes spoken a couple advisors, but they just gave her the general description, which Katie had already read, and pushed her out the door. She'd like to have a better understanding of these majors and narrow down her options at least by the end of the year to stay on a 4-year track.

Katie comes back to her dorm frustrated that even after these meetings with advisors, she still feels lost in what she wants to do. She logs onto Meal Trade to post this:

<2 blocks> Looking for anyone with a good understanding or is involved with either the Psychology/IS/Fisher/Personalized Study program and their student orgs. Anything is more helpful than the advisors I've seen!

A couple days later, Katie gets an email that she's had a response from Ali. Katie can see from her profile that Ali is a 3rd year in Fisher, part of the American Marketing Association's student chapter, but she's also involved in MUNDO and a couple other orgs on campus. Maybe she can be helpful in starting off her search. Katie messages Ali back to set a time for lunch.

20 yo
Woodruff and Indianola
Marketing; MUNDO, AMA, TEDx at OSU
Works at Brennans between classes and on weekends to pay for food and utilities

Born in Gahanna, OH
Ali heard about a website, Meal Trade, from a friend's facebook post. Being involved in student orgs, she was always meeting freshmen who would swipe her food when they had the chance. She loved that she could get food and also meet new people. Making her profile was pretty easy and then she searched under the business tag. She came across a couple and figured why not just send a notification to all of them. It couldn't hurt. She knew a thing or two about Fisher and for the rest, she knew people she could direct them to, and she'd get a free meal if they messaged back. A couple hours after she sent the notification, Ali got a message from Katie about when to get lunch.

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