Thursday, April 10, 2014

Usability Interviews (Final Prototype)

1st Interview:
In this interview, the user really enjoyed the concept and the visual design.
If she went to the new user page, she was able to log in without any problems.
If she wanted to edit her profile, she was able to locate the edit button and make any necessary changes.
However, when she wanted to see the "newsfeed"/ home page, she had problems locating it and had to be led.
The user enjoyed the filter options and noted that they were adequate for her searching needs.
If the user wanted to match with another user, she was able to click on the other users' profile, read it, and then message her if she was interested. The user also noted that the starred option would be a good feature for her. However, she thought that our current implementation of messaging looked like an error and though that there was something wrong with the site.
After messaging the other person, the user was automatically directed to the messages portion of the site. In the messages, the user was able to navigate through the different options and noted that it was very clear and was similar to all the other messaging systems she had used.
Overall, the user wanted the newsfeed portion of the site to be easier to navigate and wanted a better messaging system, but had no other qualms with it. She enjoyed the idea and would use the product if it was ever implemented.

2nd Interview:
In this interview, the user also really enjoyed the concept and the visual design.
If she went to the new user page, she was able to log in without any problems.
If she wanted to edit her profile, she was able to locate the edit button and make any necessary changes.
If she wanted to see the "newsfeed"/ home page, she had no problem locating it by clicking the logo.
This user also enjoyed the filter options but expressed a desire for an additional tag search bar.
If the user wanted to match with another user, she was able to click on the other users' profile, read it, and then message her if she was interested. The user also noted that the starred option would be a good feature for her. However, she did not enjoy the current messaging interface.

After messaging the other person, the user was automatically directed to the messages portion of the site. In the messages, the user was able to navigate through the different options and noted that it was very clear and was similar to all the other messaging systems she had used.
Overall, the user wanted more filters and major specification options, but otherwise had no problems. She enjoyed the idea and would use the product if it was ever implemented.

3rd Interview:
The icons on the header do not display any information when I put the mouse on it. So it is not clear what the icon represent only by guessing from the image.
The load more button will let us know more recent post message, but when we check messages, there is not a short cut button like “go top” to quick get back to the posting blank.
It is not clear how to delete a wrong posted message or suspend an expired message. So we might need to add an edit section to the recent post.

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